Dr. Mohammed Hashim is a type of geologist called a geochemist (a scientist who applies chemical principles to understand the Earth and how it changes over time). His lab is at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Falmouth, Massachusetts. He says about his research, "I use carbonate minerals that form in the ocean (aragonite, calcite, and dolomite) to reconstruct the history of the Earth and how its chemistry has evolved over time. I am curious to know what our planet was like millions of years ago and what it will be like in the future." He has done field research in Michigan, Kentucky, Texas, England, and Northern Iraq and also studied sediments recovered from the ocean near the Bahamas and Southern Australia.
A scientist's job is to ask questions that we don't know the answers to and then work to find the answers through observation, experiments, and careful thinking. A scientific question that Mohammed would like to answer is, "How does climate change (increasing temperature and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) impact the ocean and the creatures that live in it?"
You can learn more about Mohammed and his research at www2.whoi.edu/staff/mohammedhashim/