This collection of videos can help kids learn more about the topics of Kevin's books (and about the books themselves).
What is a microbe and why are they so cool? Find out in this animated video that was scripted by Kevin Kurtz.
Find out how scientists are able to find and collect microbes in the seafloor.
What do scientists do with seafloor microbes once they find them? Watch and find out!
In this 15 Second Science video from Delaware Sea Grant, C-DEBI, and NSF, Kevin Kurtz introduces the seafloor bacteria that wire together to conduct electricity. To see more 15 Second Science videos about microbes, visit here.
Here's a time-lapse video of illustrator Erin Hunter painting the viperfish you can see in A Day in the Deep.
Watch vampire squid in action and find out the weird thing we just discovered they like to eat.
Deep-sea anglerfish are strange and elusive creatures that have an amazing way of catching fish.
Watch an Atolla jellyfish make its bioluminescent alarm in this video.
See the animals hanging out on a deep sea whale fall skeleton in Monterey Bay.
Watch Kevin Kurtz ruin a cake to explain how the JOIDES Resolution drills the seafloor.
Get a birds eye view of the JOIDES Resolution at sea.
Find out why the JOIDES Resolution was drilling into a chain of underwater volcanoes during the expedition when Kevin Kurtz was onboard as the Education Officer.
Learn about some of the cool features of the JOIDES Resolution in this animated video!
Watch how the JOIDES Resolution is able to drill the seafloor, even when it is thousands of feet below the ship.
See how a diving beetle uses a bubble of air like a Scuba diver uses an oxygen tank.
Watch flying squirrels glide through the air.
Watch footage of dolphins strand feeding in salt marshes.
Watch fiddler crabs eat dirt.
Watch a trailer for Kevin's book A Day on the Mountain.